March 2025 Newsletter from SLAM President Patrick Sulllivan
If any workout group has any events coming up, please hit Reply to this email and SLAM will help promote it.
We have a local meet coming up! The 2025 Ozark LMSC Short Course Yards Championships will be held Saturday March 15 starting at Noon and Sunday March 16 starting at 8 am at the Chuck Fruit Aquatic Center in Edwardsville, IL; the entry form is here. The annual Ozark LMSC General Membership meeting is Saturday in between events #7 & #8, and there is a brief SLAM meeting Sunday in between events #22 & #23. I can’t wait to see you there! You are invited to a team social at Pasta House (1097 IL-157) after the Saturday session. Please let me know if you are planning on attending the dinner.
Update on the USMS Coaching Certification classes: The dates for September, 2025 classes in Kansas City haven’t been announced yet, but USMS just scheduled an education weekend in Joliet, IL and Levels 2 and 3 are on Saturday, May 31. I will be going to both Levels; on Friday, May 30 I’m driving to Joliet and staying at the Wingate, and then driving back the morning of Sunday, June 1. Please reply to this email if you would like to ride with me. If you are interested in being a USMS Certified Coach, Level 1 Certification is done online. On Sunday, June 1, there is a Stroke Development Clinic and ALTS (Adult Learn To Swim) Instructor Certification classes. The link to find classes is here. I believe there are only 30 spots available for the Level 2 and 3 coaching certification classes, so register soon to secure your spot.
2025 USMS National Championships: The Spring Nationals are in San Antonio April 24-27, the link is here. Summer Nationals are in Federal Way (Seattle area), WA August 6-10, the link is here. The Open Water National Championships begin April 4 and 5 in Sarasota, FL, then continue May 31 in Charlottesville, VA, and end July 13 in Portland, OR; the link to them is here.
The Central Illinois Open Water Swim is June 29th at Evergreen Lake in Hudson, IL; the link to the swim is here.
Social Media: We have a SLAM Facebook group here, a SLAM Facebook page here, and an Instagram page here.
SLAM Logo Merchandise: The SLAM website,, has merchandise for sale at the swim shop tab at the top, or here. There will be merch available at the March 2025 SCY meet!
Thank you,
Patrick Sullivan, President
St Louis Area Masters Swimming
February 2025 Newsletter from SLAM President Patrick Sulllivan
If any workout group has any events coming up, please hit Reply to this email and SLAM will help promote it. A big thank you to everyone who helped make SwimStrong 2025 a big success for the South City YMCA Storm.
Your 2024 registration expired on January 1st, please renew your 2025 USMS registration by clicking here. Thank you for renewing as soon as possible, and thanks to the members who have already renewed. I look forward to seeing everyone in 2025!Online entry is open until midnight on Thursday, March 13th for the 2025 Ozark LMSC Short Course Yards Championships to be held Saturday, March 15 at Noon and Sunday, March 16 at 8:00 am. The online entry link is here.
The 2025 USMS Spring National Championships is being held April 24 – 27 at the Northside Swim Center in San Antonio, Texas. Although I can’t go this year, I know that SLAM will be represented; please reply to this email if you’re attending. Online entries will be accepted until February 19 at an $80 surcharge, and February 20 – March 31 at a $100 surcharge; fees are $8 per individual event. Relay fees are paid by SLAM. 2025 Spring Nationals meet information is here. The 2025 USMS Summer Nationals is August 6-10 in Federal Way, WA.
Update on the USMS Coaching Certification classes. Our friends at MOVY LMSC (Kansas City area) are working on hosting a weekend that has Level 2 and Level 3 classes (Level 1 is online). I will keep you updated when that gets announced.There are some local practice groups that are looking for coaches to help run practices at various times. If you are interested in a position, please click the link:
– O’Fallon, Illinois YMCA Masters Coach: https://secure3.
– Crestview/Marquette Pool Early Masters Coach: (see comments for more info on this position)
Other nearby swimming events:
The John May Winter Classic is February 16 in Champaign, IL. The link for the event is here.
The 2025 Spring Classic is March 2 in Bloomington, IL. The link for the event is here.
Social Media: We do have a SLAM Facebook group: https://www.facebook.
Merch: The SLAM website,, has merch for sale at the swim shop tab at the top, or here. There will be merch available at the March 15 & 16, 2025 SCY meet!
Thank you,
Patrick Sullivan, President
St Louis Area Masters Swimming
January 2025 Newsletter from SLAM President Patrick Sulllivan
If any workout group has any events coming up, please hit Reply to this email and SLAM will help promote it.
Your 2024 registration expired today, please renew your 2025 USMS registration by clicking here. Thank you for renewing as soon as possible, and thanks to the members who have already renewed. I look forward to seeing everyone in 2025! If you decide not to renew, this newsletter’s email-list update is underway and February will be your final SLAM-GRAM.
BE ON THE LOOKOUT for an email from Ozark LMSC about the 2025 Ozark LMSC Short Course Yards Championship to be held mid-March. When the date is announced, the online registration button will be live on the SLAM website.
There are some local practice groups that are looking for coaches to help run practices at various times. If you are interested in a position, please click the link:- O’Fallon, Illinois YMCA Masters Coach: https://secure3.
As I reported last month, SLAM’s workout group at the South City YMCA will be hosting their annual SwimStrong event January 18 and 19. A $100 donation is strongly encouraged to participate. The donations will go towards a great cause: funding swim lessons for under-privileged children. SwimStrong participants swim for one-hour to see how many yards they can do in that time. Results can be entered into the USMS 1-Hr Virtual Championship (for a small fee), so you can see how you stack up against other Masters swimmers in your age group from around the country. If an hour seems too long for you but you still want to participate, the South City YMCA also offers a one-hour relay swim (rotating 50s with other swimmers) or you may do an individual 30-minute swim, but neither of those can be entered for any USMS Virtual Championship. Volunteer timers are needed (we keep splits and everyone’s yardage) so please Reply to this email if you are interested.The event flyer is here.The sign-up link is here:
Other nearby swimming events:2nd Annual Quincy Masters Classic is January 26 in Quincy, IL. The link for the event is here.
2025 Winterfest at the IU Natatorium is February 2nd in Indianapolis, IN (where last Spring’s Nationals were held). I am signed up for this event. Please reach out if you are planning to go, too. The link for the event is here.
The John May Winter Classic is February 16 in Champaign, IL. The link for the event is here.
The 2025 Spring Classic is March 2 in Bloomington, IL. The link for the event is here.
Social Media: We do have a SLAM Facebook group: https://www.facebook.
Merch: The SLAM website,, has merch for sale at the swim shop tab at the top, or here. There will be merch available at the March 2025 SCY meet!
Thank you,
Patrick Sullivan, President
St Louis Area Masters Swimming
December 2024 Newsletter from SLAM President Patrick Sulllivan
If any workout group has any events coming up, please hit Reply to this email and SLAM will help promote it.
2025 USMS registration is underway; I renewed SLAM’s club membership so now all the workout groups and individuals can renew theirs; thank you to the members who have already renewed.
The Ozark LMSC Short Course Meters meet in Edwardsville, IL was a great event. Congrats to all the record-breakers.
SLAM had its annual meeting at the Ozark SCM meet and re-elected the Slate of Officers (Vice-President: Stephanie Petersen, Treasurer: Kristin Gross, Secretary: Teresa McDowell, and myself as President); we approved the Minutes of the previous meeting and Kristen gave the Treasurer’s report. Katrina Bibbee will serve as the SLAM Social chair again and Gunnar Kohlbrecher will continue as the Technology chair. SLAM members are grateful to the Chairs and Officers for volunteering their time and talent!
The food drive competition was a great success, 871 items were donated! Congrats to Rockwood/Parkway who won with 277 donated items and took home the traveling trophy. O’Fallon IL YMCA took second place with 200 items and Saluki Masters Swim Club was third with 166 items. Everyone is looking forward to next year’s competition; we appreciate Katrina’s hard work to make the food drive a continuing success.
There are some local practice groups that are looking for coaches to help run practices at various times. If you are interested in a position, please see the links below:
– O’Fallon, Illinois YMCA Masters Coach:
– Crestview/Marquette Pool Early Masters Coach:
(see comments for more info on this position)
SLAM’s workout group at the South City YMCA will be hosting their annual SwimStrong event January 18 and 19. A $100 donation is strongly encouraged to participate. The donations will go towards a great cause: funding swim lessons for under-privileged children. SwimStrong participants swim for one-hour to see how many yards they can do in that time. Results can be entered into the USMS 1-Hr Virtual Championship (for a small fee), so you can see how you stack up against other Masters swimmers in your age group from around the country. If an hour seems too long for you but you still want to participate, the South City YMCA also offers a one-hour relay swim (rotating 50s with other swimmers) or you may do an individual 30-minute swim, but neither of those can be entered for any USMS Virtual Championship. Volunteer timers are needed (we keep splits and everyone’s yardage) so please Reply to this email if you are interested.
Other nearby swimming events:
MOVY at LSR7 is December 15 in Lee’s Summit, MO (Southern KC area). The link for the event is here.
2nd Annual Quincy Masters Classic is January 26 in Quincy, IL. The link for the event is here.
The John May Winter Classic is February 16 in Champaign, IL. The link for the event is here.
The 2025 Spring Classic is March 2 in Bloomington, IL. The link for the event is here.
Social Media: We do have a SLAM Facebook group:
Merch: The SLAM website,, now has merch for sale at the swim shop tab at the top, or here. Thank you to everyone who purchased items at the meet!
Thank you,
Patrick Sullivan, President
St Louis Area Masters Swimming
November 2024 Newsletter from SLAM President Patrick Sulllivan
If any workout group has any events coming up, please hit Reply to this email and SLAM will help promote it.
I’m looking forward to our meet tomorrow and hopefully seeing a lot of you there! SLAM will hold its annual meeting at the meet, as well. The link for the meet is here.
Our social chair, Katrina Bibbee, has done a wonderful job organizing and promoting our first annual food drive. She will be announcing the winning workout group tomorrow at the meet!
USMS registration for the next year has started. I renewed SLAM’s membership last month, so all the workout groups and individuals can renew theirs.
Important notice for SLAM – YOE members: Edwardsville YMCA will not renew the YOE Work-Out Group for 2025; please renew your membership as SLAM without that added WOG. Practices will end December 19, 2024.
Other nearby swimming events:
14th Annual Gladstone Meet in northern Kansas City is Nov 9th. The link is here.
2024 Fall Classic at the IU Natatorium November 17th in Indianapolis, IN, the link is here.
MOVY at LSR7 is Dec. 15th in Lee’s Summit, MO (Southern KC area). The link for the event is here.
Social Media: We do have a SLAM Facebook group:
Merch: The SLAM website,, now has merch for sale at the swim shop tab at the top, or here. I will plan on bringing merch to the meet tomorrow.
Thank you,
Patrick Sullivan, President
St Louis Area Masters Swimming
October 2024 Newsletter from SLAM President Patrick Sullivan
September 2024 Newsletter from SLAM President Patrick Sullivan
If any workout group has any events coming up, please hit Reply to this email and SLAM will help promote it.
I’m excited to announce that our Short Course Meters (25m) meet will be held Saturday, November 2nd in Edwardsville at the Chuck Fruit Aquatic Center. Warm-up is at 11am and the meet starts at Noon. Online meet entry will be posted soon on the SLAM and the USMS websites. We will also have our annual SLAM meeting during a break in the meet. I hope to see you there! Please help us promote it to all the swimmers in your workout group.
Other nearby swimming events:
Illinois Senior Games Sept 21 in Springfield, IL, the link is here.
OZ Mile Swim (Open Water) Sept 27-29 in Eureka Springs, AR, the link is here.
2024 Fall Classic at the IU Natatorium November 17th in Indianapolis, IN, the link is here. I may go to this!
Please join me in thanking SLAM swimmers Paul Morris and Maryanne Barkley for volunteering as Ozark LMSC delegates to the USMS Annual Meeting September 13-15. The meeting is being held virtually this year, and our delegates have been attending pre-meeting Zoom sessions including the Breadbasket Zone, legislation, rules, and long-distance. If you are interested in following the Annual Meeting as a non-voting attendee, here’s the link:
Reply to this email if you want to be an Ozark LMSC delegate to “Relay 2024 – Community Development” in Houston, Texas on October 18-20. I went to Relay in Houston last year, and it was a great experience that I recommend.
Remember, there’s a new Rockwood/Parkway early morning schedule at Crestview Middle School 50m outdoor pool, until cooler weather moves practice to the indoor pool at Marquette HS.
Sunday, 7am – 8:30am
Monday, 5am – 6:30am
Wednesday, 5am – 6:30am
Friday, 5am – 6:30am
(No practice on Tuesday, Thursday, or Saturday)
SLAM Facebook group:
SLAM Facebook page:
SLAM Instagram page:
Merchandise: The SLAM shopping page is nearing completion; items will be available asap. Prices shown in the newsletter do not include shipping, but shipping will be added on the website shopping page.
SLAM magnets $3 each
SLAM stickers $2 each
SLAM t-shirt $20
SLAM hoodie $40
Thank you,
Patrick Sullivan, President
St Louis Area Masters Swimming
August Newsletter from SLAM President Patrick Sullivan
I hope everyone is enjoying watching Olympic swimming as much as I have been. It’s always great when our sport gets national and worldwide attention.
It was great seeing everyone at the meet in Carbondale on Saturday July 13! Twenty SLAM Swimmers attended: Maryanne Barkley, Diann Bauer, Carolyn Bottini, Wallace Davidson, Lily Glaeser, Bob Golz, Larry Good, Stephanie Jarvis, Clay Kolar, Russell Martin, Teresa McDowell, Gabriel Ngwe, John Pohlmann, Mary Pohlmann, Anna Schurz, Dave Seamen, Theresa Strack, Carly Sullens, Patrick Sullivan and Larry Walker.Thank you to our Saluki workout group for hosting this unique annual meet. Twenty-one (21) pool records were set in the meet, including one relay record and 4 records from splits. Seven Ozark LMSC records were set, including one relay. Four (4) Saluki Masters Club records were achieved. Five Challenge event records were set in the Iron Swimmer Glutton category: Derek Duffy, M40-44; Matt Miller, M45-49; Anna Schurz W18-24; Lily Glaeser, W30-34; Stephanie Jarvis, W35-39. Also completing the Iron Glutton Challenge were Maryanne Barkley & Diann Bauer; Sprint No-Brainer swimmers were Carolyn Bottini, Russell Martin & Mary Pohlmann.
New Ozark LCM Records:
Anna Schurz 18-24 Women 200 M backstroke 3:03.72
Maryanne Barkley 60-64 Women 1500 M freestyle 25:07.33
Clay Kolar 75-79 Men 50 M breaststroke 39.85 (pool and Saluki Masters record)
Clay Kolar 75-79 Men 100 M breaststroke 1:32.20 (pool and Saluki Masters record)
Larry Good 90-94 Men 100 M freestyle 1:59.16 (pool and Saluki Masters record)
Larry Good 90-94 Men 100 M backstroke 2:24.85 (pool and Saluki Masters record)
SLAM 400 M Mixed Freestyle relay (Kolar, Sullens, Bottini, Walker) 6:58.23 (pool record)
Congratulations, everyone!
August is “Try Masters Swimming” month, anyone wanting to try a USMS practice can attend 2 free workouts, details are here.
Parkway – Rockwood Community Education is actively trying to hire a M/W/F early morning Masters coach.
Here is their early morning schedule starting August 19 at the Crestview outdoor pool until practice is moved to Marquette HS.
(No practice on Tuesday, Thursday, or Saturday)Personally, it’s been great swimming some evenings and Sunday mornings with the Parkway – Rockwood group at their outside, 50m pool at Crestview Middle School.Here’s some sad news from SLAM immediate past-President Lori Payne about the recent passing of St Louis native & USMS member Jessica Rathke (2/9/1959-6/3/2024): Many of you knew Jessica, she walked on deck about 20 years ago at Marquette, and we became fast friends. Jessica was one of my dearest compadres, travel and swim buddy. She was a wonderful source of inspiration for my business; she adored her industry colleagues, and never stopped learning. She was deeply invested in her AI certifications and was so pleased she was going to be able to make a difference in the industry. Jess had made the decision just a couple of weeks ago to move ‘home’ to Europe, where her heart always was. Our Olympic adventure won’t be the same without you Jessica; I know you will want me to still go, but every step, every metro ride, and every twist and turn, you will be in my heart. SWIM ON
– 47th Annual Lakeside Masters Long Course Invitational, August 3-4; deadline 8/2, link is
– Swim Across America-St. Louis is being held August 24 at Innsbrook Resort. The link to the event info is
– USMS Summer Nationals will be held August 21-25 in Mission Viejo, CA; registration closed July 29, but the link for the event information is
. No SLAM swimmers have entered this event.
SLAM Facebook group:
SLAM Facebook page:
SLAM Instagram page:
Merchandise: The SLAM shopping page is under construction; items will be available asap. Prices shown in the newsletter do not include shipping, but shipping will be added on the website shopping page. SLAM magnets $3 each, SLAM stickers $2 each
SLAM t-shirt $20
SLAM hoodie $40
Thank you,
Patrick Sullivan, President
St Louis Area Masters Swimming
July Newsletter from SLAM President Patrick Sullivan
Our Saluki workout group in Carbondale, IL is hosting the Ed and Ruth Shea Challenge Classic (Long-Course Meters) on Saturday, July 13th. It is paper-entry only, payable by check only; the link to print the form is here. Entries received after 7/6/24 must pay the deck entry amount. I am already registered and I hope you will register too. If any workout group has any events coming up, please message me and SLAM will help promote it. Second, we have updated our website, Please check it out. We are continuing to update it, too.
Spring Nationals: SLAM had 21 swimmers participate. We won 42 medals! SLAM swimmers won 9 National Championships, please join me in congratulating Larry Good (M90-94 age group) in the 100 & 200 IM, and the 100 & 200 Breast; Clay Kolar (M75-79) in the 200 & 400 IM; Jason Owen (M40-44) in the 400 IM; and Mary J Woehler (F65-69) in the 200 IM and 200 Back. We are all so proud of Larry, Clay, Jason and MJ, and all the other SLAM swimmers that participated at Nationals. Personally, it was great getting to know the other SLAM swimmers and cheering them on. Out of 327 clubs that participated, SLAM placed 23rd overall (SLAM women placed 27th, and SLAM men placed 25th)!
Other nearby swimming events and Summer Nationals:
Swim Across America-St. Louis is being held August 24 at Innsbrook Resort.
Summer Nationals will be held August 21-25 in Mission Viejo, CA and registration closes July 29.
Social Media:
SLAM Facebook group:
SLAM Facebook page:
SLAM Instagram page:
Merchandise: The SLAM shopping page is under construction; items will be available asap. Prices shown in the newsletter do not include shipping, but shipping will be added on the website shopping page. SLAM magnets $3 eachSLAM stickers $2 each.
SLAM t-shirt $20
SLAM hoodie $40
Thank you,
Patrick Sullivan, President
St Louis Area Masters Swimming
June Newsletter from SLAM President Patrick Sullivan
If you are swimming at Spring Nationals, I am setting up an email thread for updated SLAM news and messaging relating to Nationals. If any workout group has any events coming up, please message me and SLAM will help promote it. Also, please check out our updated website: Please join me in thanking Kristen Gross, who has graciously volunteered to succeed Dan Sullivan as the new SLAM Treasurer. I asked Kristen to introduce herself:
“Hi everyone! I am a USMS level 2 certified coach and have been coaching for the Floaters at the Rec-plex for over a decade. I have worked in the research industries of corn, flowers, and as of late, humans! I recently finished my master’s thesis in connection with probiotics as a recovery aid in masters endurance athletes and I’m now working for Outlier. My husband Wyatt and I have three children, one of who is a swimmer. I spend most of her extra time like my fellow SLAM members – in a pool or lake!”
Nearby swimming events:
Our Saluki workout group in Carbondale, IL is hosting the Ed and Ruth Shea Challenge Classic (long-course meters) on Saturday, July 13. It is paper-entry only, the form link is here. They have also hosted 2 mini-meets with limited event offerings on May 4 and June 1.
There is a Long Course Meters meet in Overland Park, KS (KC) on June. The link to the event is here.
The 2024 Central Illinois Open Water Swim is June 8 at Evergreen Lake in Comlara Park in Hudson, IL; the link to the event is here.
Swim Across America-St. Louis is being held August 24 at Innsbrook Resort. The link to the event is here.
Summer Nationals will be held August 21-25 in Mission Viejo, CA and registration is open. The link for the event is here.
Social Media:
SLAM Facebook group:
SLAM Facebook page:
SLAM Instagram page:
Merchandise: The SLAM shopping page is in transition with the new treasurer; items will be available asap. Prices shown in the newsletter do not include shipping, but shipping will be added on the website shopping page. SLAM magnets $3 each, SLAM stickers $2 each
SLAM t-shirt $20
SLAM hoodie $40
Finally, you might have seen me on the news (Fox 2/KPLR 11) last month. If you’ve seen me at a meet or practice, you’ve probably noticed the scar on my chest and wondered what happened. The link to the story is here.
Thank you,
Patrick Sullivan, President
St Louis Area Masters Swimming
May Newsletter from SLAM President Patrick Sullivan
It was great seeing everyone at the meet at McKendree last month! Results are on the website.
Please join me in thanking long-time SLAM Treasurer Daniel Sullivan for his dedication and integral service to SLAM’s finances over many, many years; Dan has decided to resign, we all send him our gratitude and wish him the very best. Anyone interested in volunteering as club Treasurer, please let me know in a reply to this email.
Spring Nationals—Registration is open until May 28th for Spring Nationals! Here is the link to register:
Spring Nationals will be held June 20-24 in Indianapolis, in the iconic IUPUI Natatorium, which is the nicest pool I’ve ever swam in! Anyone can swim 3 events without a National Qualifying Time (NQT). Myself and 10 other SLAM swimmers are registered and hope you will too! I went to last year’s Spring Nationals in Irvine, CA and it was the most exciting swim meet I’ve ever participated in. It’s so inspiring to watch someone in their 90s still competing. It’s also thrilling to compete alongside former Olympians who you grew up watching and cheering for. If you are looking for a nice place to stay, that’s close by, I’m staying at Candlewood Suites (
I would love to have a big turn-out for SLAM at Nationals and encourage you to sign up and join in the fun!. The link to the event is
By the way, if you are going to Nationals, on May 14 I will order two caps with the swimmer’s last name placed on them for anyone that has signed up for Nationals and is listed on the athlete roster for SLAM on the USMS website. If you haven’t signed up for Nationals, but are planning on it, please let me know by May 14 for the order.
If any workout group has any events coming up, please message me and SLAM will help promote it.
I invite you to please check out our updated website,
Also check out the SLAM Facebook group:
SLAM Facebook page:
and the Instagram page:
Merchandise: Prices do not including shipping in this newsletter, but on the website it will. We now have SLAM magnets and stickers for sale. $3 per magnet, $2 per sticker.
We will soon have the newly designed SLAM t-shirts ($20) and hoodies ($40) for sale on our website!
If you are looking for other upcoming swim meets, Gladstone (KC) is hosting their Swim-O de Mayo (Cinco de Mayo) 3 level pentathlon this Sunday, the 5 th . The link to the event is
There is a long-course meet in Overland Park, KS (KC) on June 9 th . The link to the event is
SAVE THE DATES: Our Saluki workout group in Carbondale, IL is hosting the Ed and Ruth Shea Challenge Classic on Saturday, July 13 th. They are also offering two dual-sanctioned (USA/USMS) LCM mini-meets with limited event offerings on May 4 and June 1st. These events are paper-entry only, so mailing time should be considered. You can get the paper registration forms on the SLAM website (
Thank you,
Patrick Sullivan, President
St Louis Area Masters Swimming
April Newsletter from SLAM President Patrick Sullivan
Registration is open until April 4th (HURRY!) for our local meet, the 2024 Ozark LMSC Short Course Yards Championships, being held this weekend, April 6-7 at McKendree Metro Rec-Plex, 205 RecPlex Dr, O’Fallon, IL 62269. The link for registering is
If you can bring someone to volunteer as a lane timer, that would be a great help, too.
At the end of competition on Saturday, April 6th, SLAM swimmers are invited to eat and hangout together at Peel Pizza at 104 S. Cherry St, O’Fallon, IL 62269.
If you know you’re going, just hit reply to this email so I can tell Peel how many people to expect.
If any workout group has events coming up, please reply to this email and SLAM will help promote it.
Second, please check out our continually updated website,
Next, we have a SLAM Facebook group:
a SLAM Facebook page:
and an Instagram page:
We now have SLAM magnets and stickers for sale for $3 per magnet and $2 per sticker. They will be for sale at the SCY meet, or reply to this email if you are interested.
We should have caps with the new logo on them to give out at the meet this weekend. If you are going to the USMS 2024 Spring Nationals, let me know and I will try to get your last name placed on a couple caps for that meet. I hope to order those by the end of the first week of May.
We should also have the newly designed SLAM t-shirts ($20) and hoodies ($40) for sale at the meet this weekend. The preferred way to pay for merchandise at the meet will be through our Venmo, @SLAM_SWIM. If you can’t attend the meet but are interested, we plan to sell items on the SLAM website or you can reply to this email (
Speaking of Spring Nationals—Registration is open until May 28 for the USMS 2024 Spring SCY Nationals taking place June 20-24 in the iconic IUPUI Natatorium in Indianapolis, which is the nicest pool I’ve ever swam in! Anyone can swim 3 events without a National Qualifying Time (NQT). I already registered, curently there are 10 SLAM swimmers signed up, and hope you will too! I went to last year’s Spring Nationals in Irvine, CA and it was the most exciting swim meet I’ve ever participated in. It’s so inspiring to watch someone in their 90s still competing. It’s also thrilling to compete alongside former Olympians who you grew up watching and cheering for. If you are looking for a nice place to stay that’s close by, I’m staying at Candlewood Suites ( I stayed there for a meet late last year and it was perfect for a multi-night stay. I will be there for the whole meet, by the way.
If you are looking for other upcoming swim meets, the Lakeside Masters Spring SCY Mini Meet will be held April 14 th in Louisville, KY. Sunday, May 5th is MOVY Masters’ “Swimmo de Mayo” (Cinco de Mayo) Pentathlon (SCY) in Gladstone, MO.
I look forward to seeing everyone at the meet this weekend, and don’t forget about eating at Peel after the competition on Saturday!
Thank you,
Patrick Sullivan
SLAM President
March Newsletter from SLAM President Patrick Sullivan
Hello! I’m very excited to announce that registration is now open for our local meet, the 2024 Ozark LMSC Short Course Yard Championships, being held April 6-7 at McKendree Metro Rec-Plex, 205 Rec Plex Dr, O’Fallon, IL 62269. The link for registering is any workout group has any events coming up, please message me and SLAM will help promote it. Second, we have updated our website, Please encourage your swimmers to check it out. We are continuing to update it, too. Hopefully, we’ll have a message board soon. If your group has any change of schedule or venue, please let me know so we can update the SLAM website.
Next, we do have a SLAM Facebook group: , a SLAM Facebook page: and an Instagram page:
Please encourage your swimmers to follow our social media accounts to keep updated.
I’ve enlisted South City Y coach, Stephen Pyle, to help design merch for SLAM and for any SLAM swimmer’s participation at Spring Nationals. Here’s his wonderful logo:
I’m really excited to start getting merch designed and produced, which I will work on it this month. I’m working on caps, t-shirts (S,M,L,XL), hoodies, and possibly magnets. If any of your swimmers are going to Nationals, let me know which ones, and I will try to get their last names placed on a couple caps.
Speaking of Spring Nationals—Registration is now open for Spring Nationals! Spring Nationals will be held June 20-24 in Indianapolis, in the iconic IUPUI Natatorium, which is the nicest pool I’ve ever swam in! Anyone can swim 3 events without a National Qualifying Time (NQT). I already registered for this and hope you will too! If you are looking for a nice place to stay, that’s close by, I’m staying at Candlewood Suites ( I stayed there for a meet late last year and it was perfect for a multi-night stay. I will be there for the whole meet, by the way.
If you are looking for another upcoming swim meet, the 2024 GRIN Short Course State Championship will be held at the IUPUI Natatorium (same pool as Spring Nationals!) 4/20-21 in Indianapolis (I’m going to this!).
I look forward to seeing everyone at the meet on April 6-7.
Thank you,
Patrick Sullivan
SLAM President
February Newsletter from SLAM President Patrick Sullivan
First, if any workout group has any events coming up, please message me and SLAM will help promote it. Second, we have updated our website, Please encourage your swimmers to check it out. We are continuing to update it, too. Hopefully, we’ll have a message board soon.
Next, we do have a SLAM Facebook group: , a SLAM Facebook page: and an Instagram page:
Please encourage your swimmers to follow our social media accounts to keep updated.
I’ve enlisted South City Y coach, Stephen Pyle, to help design merch for SLAM and for any SLAM swimmer’s participation at Spring Nationals. I’m really excited about his soccer-style crest idea for a swim cap and t-shirt design. We hope to share it soon.
Speaking of Spring Nationals—Registration is now open for Spring Nationals! Spring Nationals will be held June 20-24 in Indianapolis, in the iconic IUPUI Natatorium, which is the nicest pool I’ve ever swam in! Anyone can swim 3 events without a National Qualifying Time (NQT). I already registered for this
and hope you will too! I went to last year’s Spring Nationals in Irvine, CA and it was the most exciting swim meet I’ve ever participated in. It’s so inspiring to watch someone in their 90s still competing. It’s also thrilling to compete alongside former Olympians who you grew up watching and cheering for. If
you are looking for a nice place to stay, that’s close by, I’m staying at Candlewood Suites: ( I stayed there for a meet late last year and it was perfect for a multi-night stay. I will be there for the whole meet, by the way.
Please email me and let me know if you are interested in Level 2 and/or 3 USMS coaching certification (Level 1 is available online). If we get enough interest, I’ll reach out to the national office and ask to get a weekend set up in St. Louis.
If you are looking for some upcoming swim meets, there are a few coming up. First, Jeff Enge and I are working hard to finalize the Ozark Spring Championships. We hope to have the pool and dates finalized by the end of February. Next, our O’Fallon, IL Otters have a Triathlon coming up, March 3 rd . I’ve
attached their flier and hope you encourage your triathletes to participate. Other meets (sign up on the USMS website) within a few hours’ drive include the John May Winter Classic on 2/18 in Champaign, IL; the 2024 Spring Classic in Bloomington, IL (I’m going!); and the 2024 GRIN Short Course State
Championship at the IUPUI Natatorium (same pool as Spring Nationals!) 4/20-21 in Indianapolis (I’m going to this, too!).
Lastly, I met with our Social Chair, Katrina Bibbee, and as expected, she has some great ideas. She needs every workout group’s participation, specifically appointing someone that will help be a liaison between your workout group and SLAM to serve as a member of her standing committee. I’ve asked her to write
a message to you, which she has provided:
Hi all!
I am so excited for 2024 and what we can accomplish together as a SLAM community! My role and goal as SLAM’s Social Chair is to make it SO easy
to be connected and involved with SLAM that you don’t even realize you are doing it! We’ll have organized get-togethers at swim meets, outreach & community
service opportunities throughout the year, friendly competitions, and a chance to build relationships and find new friends!
As athletes, we are familiar with goals- and that’s exactly what we have as a “SLAM FAM” for this year! Take note of our calendar below so you know what to
expect and can plan to take part in the fun!
Jan-March: Break the Ice!!
1) Get to know ALL of YOUR workout group teammate names and something about them!
2) Let’s get all SLAM members in our GroupMe group chat, scan the QR code below to check this to-do off your own list and make sure to remind your lane partners to do the same.
April-June: Go the Extra Mile!
1) “Sister” Teams & Icebreaker challenges assigned for getting to know the other SLAM teams in your area!
2) SLAM FAM Volunteer Days- We’ll be volunteering in community outreach days to assist others in learning to swim and passing forward the crucial
life skill of water safety free of cost!
July-Sep: Dive Deeper!
1) Continuing “Sister” Teams and fun challenges, but taking the foot off the gas pedal as people prioritize family time/trips in the Summer.
Oct-Dec: Let’s “RELAY” Have Some Fun!
1) OCT: SLAM FAM Halloween & Costumed themed swim meet! Bring your family as there will be festive activities for all who attend with funny relays!
2) NOV: Canned food drive competition between workout groups! Team with the most donations will win the traveling trophy for the year with their team
name engraved onto the plaque for 2024!
3) DEC 2024-FEB 2025: New & Gently Used Coat drive! Have any unused or unworn warm attire? We will be collecting it this upcoming winter to donate
to STL’s St. Patrick Center- a nonprofit that diligently helps unhoused community members facing distress!
Thanks for reading! I am happy we can all come together in fellowship to support one another, and strengthen STL area communities by combining our efforts!
Best wishes,
Katrina Bibbee
SLAM Social Chair
January Newsletter from SLAM President Patrick Sullivan
I hope everyone had a great holiday season and New Year. We are working hard to really grow the club this year. I was really excited to have great participation at the December 9th meet in Edwardsville.
I’ve recently named Gunnar Kohlbrecher as Chair of the Technology standing committee and Katrina Bibbee as the Chair of the Social standing committee.
I look forward to Gunnar running our updated website, We are adding a workout group (WOG finder) on a map of the region, which will list practice days/times and have a contact for that group. We will try to have events associated with any of our workout groups listed in the Upcoming Events section. If you have any kinds of events coming up, please let us know so we can help promote them. Personally, I would love to participate in them, too. We will also be hoping to add a message board. Additionally, I’ve asked Gunnar to run the club’s Facebook page and start an Instagram page as well.
I also look forward to Katrina developing the social-side of our club this year. Having worked with Katrina on these things at my workout group at the South City YMCA, I know she’ll come up with some great events that will benefit our club and communities.
We have been working on establishing the Ozark Spring Championship meet and will hopefully have that posted soon. In the meantime, the South City YMCA group has an event that coincides with the 2024 USMS 1-hr Virtual Championship on January 20th and 21st . See the flyer in the Upcoming Events section for more information. It’s a great event in which donations will be used to fund swim lessons for under-privileged children in south St. Louis City. You can enter a 1-hr result on the USMS website (for a small fee) to see how you do in your age-group, nationally. There are also several other events held in our neighbor-regions’ areas, within a half-day’s drive. On 1/21, the GRIN Pentathlon will be held in Greenwood, IN. Also, on 1/21, The Neil Salkind Invitational meet will be held in Lawrence, KS. On 2/18, The John May Winter Classic meet will be held in Champaign, IL. Then on 3/3, the Spring Classic meet will be held in Bloomington, IL.
The U.S. Masters Swimming Spring National Championship will be held June 20-24 in Indianapolis, IN (only a 4 hour drive or so!) at the iconic IUPUI Natatorium. You can swim 3 events without a National Qualifying Time (NQT). I’m hoping to get a lot of SLAM swimmers to participate. I’m working on designing merchandise for purchase (caps with names on them, shirts, hoodies, magnets) for SLAM swimmers that go. Also, the US Olympic trials will be taking place in Indianapolis. Swim during the day at Masters Nationals, go watch US Olympic Trials at night!
Lastly, I would like to try to get a Coaches Certification Level 2 and 3 training here in St. Louis in 2024. Level 1 is available to get online through the USMS website. I will reach out to the coaches to determine the interest in getting the training sessions set up.
Thank you to Ozark LMSC Representatives Susan Furkin (L) and Patrick Sullivan pictured here attending the 2023 USMS RELAY at the Marriott Houston Airport, October 20 -22. The theme was Event Development, presentation topics included Swim Meets, Sanctions, Officials & Open Water events.
Susan and Patrick are members of St Louis Area Masters club and both are USMS Certified Coaches for the South City YMCA STORM Masters workout group.
Susan Furkin (L) and Patrick Sullivan, Ozark LMSC Representatives at 2023 RELAY
Welcome to USMS 2023 RELAY!
October 20-22, Marriott Houston
President: Patrick Sullivan VP: Susan Furkin
Patrick Sullivan, President
I am very honored and excited to serve you and our swim club in this new capacity as President and working closely with Susan, Teresa, and Daniel to ensure everyone’s experience with SLAM is a positive one. One of my main goals will be to promote our club and increase participation in regional and national events, with an eye on Nationals in Indianapolis next June.
As for me, I’ve been swimming Masters at South City Y for 10 years and competing several of those years. I enjoy traveling for meets and recently participated in my first Nationals meet in Irvine in May.
This summer, I’ve also spent time training at Crestview Middle’s outdoor pool and have enjoyed meeting new swimmers and coaches. My favorite events are the 100 IM, 100 free, and 50 free. Along with Susan, I am a Level 1 certified coach and usually coach on Tuesday evenings at the South City Y. I am hoping to gain my level 2 and 3 certification in the next couple years, as well.
Susan Furkin, Vice-President
Susan has been swimming competitively for 36 years. She started out in summer league, then YMCA as a youth, swam club in high school, and Division I in college.
Originally from Illinois, Susan joined a SLAM workout group at the South City YMCA in 2021.
“For me, the greatest part of masters swimming is the camaraderie. My teammates make up a big part of my social circle. Swimming is also the best way for me to keep my body healthy and to help me unwind after a long day at work.”
Susan lives in South City with her husband and their senior rescue dog. She works full time as a dental hygienist and coaches part time at the South City YMCA.
– August, 2023
Note: Susan Furkin decided to not be a candidate for Vice-President during SLAM elections 12/9/23; Stephanie Petersen is the current VP.
2023 Saluki Closed Invite Dual-sanctioned Long Course Meters Meets
Saturday April 15, 2023 at 9:00 am
Saturday, May 13 at 9:00 am
Dr. Ed Shea Natatorium, 300 E. Grand Ave, Carbondale, IL
Paper Form with Mail-in Entry Only
Hosted by Saluki Swim Club
The Ed and Ruth Shea Challenge Classic
Annual Long Course Swim Meet
Saturday July 8, 2023 at 10:00 am
Dr. Ed Shea Natatorium, 300 E. Grand Ave, Carbondale, IL
Paper Form with Mail-in Entry Only
Hosted by SALUK
Saluki Masters Swim Club
SLAM Hosts 2023 Ozark LMSC & Breadbasket Zone Short Course Yards Championship
- 34 SLAM entrants 20 Ozark LMSC SCY Individual Records, 7 Relay Records set:
- Brian Bagette, M 18-24: 50 breast, 100 IM
- Jeff Enge, M 30-34: 200 breast
- Jon Iwaszkowiec, M 45-49: 50 back
- Clay Kolar, M 70-74: 200 breast
- Drew May, M 25-29: 100, 200 fly
- Paul Morris, M 60-64: 50, 100, 200 breast, 200 IM
- Vic Perini, M 50-54: 100 breast
- Laurie Smith, W 70-74: 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 1650 free, 100 IM
- Sean Workman, M 25-29: 100 IM
- SLAM (Laurie Smith, Cathy Kohn, Ruth Ann Hentsche, Teresa McDowell), W 65+: 200 Free
- SLAM (Smith, Kohn, Jill Johnson, McDowell), W 65+: 400 Free
- SLAM (Smith, Kohn, Johnson, McDowell) W 65+: 800 Free
- SLAM (Hentschke, Kohn, McDowell, Smith), W 65+: 200 Medley Relay
- SLAM (Johnson, Kohn, McDowell, Smith), W 65+: 400 Medley
- SLAM (Sean Workman, Drew May, Michael Meyer, Brian Baggette), M 18+: 200 Free
- CSPM (Justin Pasquesi, Jeff Enge, Jakub Petyniak, Connor Smoak), M 25+: 400 Free
“Now it is time to turn the reins over to the younger generation”
A message from SLAM President, Lori Payne
Dear SLAM members,
SLAM Hosts 2022 Ozark LMSC Short Course Yards Championship
- 30 SLAM entrants
- 22 Ozark LMSC SCY Individual Records, 1 Relay Record set:
- Erin Earley, W 18-24: 50 Back, 100 IM
- Jeff Enge, M 30-34: 50 Back, 200 IM
- Larry Good, M 85-89: 50 Back
- Steve Hancock, M 65-69: 500 Free
- Alfredo Jacobo, M 35-39: 50, 100 & 200 Breast
- Joseph Kelley, M 70-74: 50 &100 Fly, 100 & 200 Free
- Lori Lynn, W 25-29: 50 Back
- Teresa McDowell, W: 70-74: 1000 Free, 50 Fly, 100 IM
- Justin Pasquesi, M 25-29: 200 Free
- Stephanie Petersen, W 60-64: 200 Back
- Mary Pohlmann, W 75-79: 200 Free, 200 Breast, 200 Fly
- CSPM (Erin Earley, Molly Connolly, Jeff Enge, Connor Smoak), Mixed 18+ 200 Free Relay
SLAM swimmer, SLAM coach profiled in May/June 2021 USMS SWIMMER Magazine (DIGITAL EDITION)
SLAM Hosts 2021 Ozark LMSC SCM Championship 10/30
19 SLAM Swimmers Competed
22 New Ozark LMSC Records:
-Maryanne Barkley, W 60-64: 200 Backstroke
-John Bolling, M 45-49: 200 Breaststroke
-Doug Dowd, M 60-64: 50 Butterfly
-Kristen Gross, W 45-49: 800 Freestyle
-Steven Hancock, M 65-69: 100, 400, 800 & 1500 Freestyle; 50 Backstroke
-Mary Pat Henehan, W 75-79: 100 Individual Medley
-Jonathan Iwaszkowiec, M 45-49: 50 Backstroke; 50 Butterfly
-Bill Oswald, M 65-69: 200 Freestyle
-Mary Pohlmann, W 75-79: 50, 100, 200, 400, 800 & 1500 Freestyle; 50, 100 & 200 Backstroke
SLAM swimmer Dave Seamen
2021 Ozark LMSC Service Award
John Pohlmann, Mary Jane Woehler, Jeff Enge, Mary Pohlmann & Larry Walker
SLAM 8th Place Local Club
2018 USMS Spring Nationals SCY
USMS – Pohlmann’s Interview
(click on photo to read)
Four SLAM Swimmers Attend LCM Nationals in Geneva, OH 10/7-10
National Champions: Larry Good, Teresa McDowell and Mary Pohlmann
–Larry Good, Men 85-89: 1st 200 Breaststroke, 200 & 400 Individual Medley.
-Teresa McDowell, Women 70-74: 1st 200 Butterfly; 2nd 50 Butterfly; 3rd 100 Backstroke, 100 Butterfly; 4th 200 Backstroke
-John Pohlmann, Men 75-79: 5th 50 Breaststroke; 6th 100 Breaststroke
-Mary Pohlmann, Women 75-79: 1st 1500 Freestyle; 2nd 200 Individual Medley; 3rd 100 Freestyle, 50-100-200 Backstroke
2021 LCM Nats: Larry, Mary, Teresa & John
New Ozark Records 1/12/20
-Kristen Gross, W 45-49, 3000
-Jill Johnson, W 60-64, 6000
-Bill Oswald, M 65-69, 3000
2021 SCY Nationals: Mary Jane Woehler, John Pohlmann, Mary Pohlmann, Teresa McDowell, Larry Good, Maryanne Barkley
Ten SLAM Swimmers Attend SCY Nationals in Greensboro, NC 7/21-25
National Champions: Jeff Enge, Larry Good, Teresa McDowell, Mary Pohlmann, Eric Pounds & Mary Jane Woehler
–Maryanne Barkley, Women 60-64: 3rd 200 Backstroke; 4th 400 Individual Medley; 5th 1000 Freestyle
-Doug Dowd, Men 60-64: 30th 100 Freestyle
-Jeff Enge, Men 30-34: 1st 100 & 200 Freestyle, 50 & 100 Butterfly; 2nd 50 Freestyle, 100 Individual Medley
-Larry Good, Men 85-89: 1st 200 Breaststroke, 200 & 400 Individual Medley; 2nd 100 Breaststroke
-Bruce Hopson, Men 55-59: 9th 400 Individual Medley; 10th 200 Butterfly
-Teresa McDowell, Women 70-74: 1st 200 Butterfly; 2nd 50 & 100 Backstroke, 100 Butterfly; 3rd 200 Freestyle, 200 Backstroke
-John Pohlmann, Men 75-79: 6th 50 & 100 Breaststroke
-Mary Pohlmann, Women 75-79: 1st 1650 Freestyle, 50 & 100 Backstroke, 400 Individual Medley; 2nd 200 Backstroke
-Eric Pounds, Men 35-39: 1st 100 Backstroke; 2nd 200 Freestyle, 50 & 100 Butterfly; 4th 200 Butterfly
-Mary Jane Woehler, Women 60-64: 1st 100 Backstroke, 50 Butterfly, 100 Individual Medley; 2nd 50 & 100 Freestyle, 100 Butterfly
Mary Pohlmann & Jeff Enge 7/25/21